Chemical Terminal:
Jebel Ali Port

AquaChemie proudly presents a state-of-the-art Petrochemical terminal at the strategically located Jebel Ali Port in the UAE. The state-of-the art terminal is envisioned as a strategic hub to facilitate petrochemical trade across the region. It is designed with utmost priority towards safety and convenience.
It covers a plot Area of 20,000 Sqm and is connected to Berth #4 with five 6″ SS Jetty Pipeline. The tanks are 36,000 CBM, API-650 Nitrogen blanketed with over thirty tanks in deployment. It has a storage capacity of over 6300 drums and ISO tanks with three truck loading bays and 5 Drumming lines.
The terminal will serve as a hub to boost Petrochemical trade in the region and outside. It conforms to stringent Safety and Environment accreditation norms laid down by the Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI-T) that surpasses many global standards.
Proposed Business Areas
Global Bulk Chemical Distribution
Because of its strategic location, this plant acts as a significant chemical hub for the region, importing and exporting numerous chemicals.
Market Products of Regional Manufacturers
The facility has 5 drumming lines and 3 truck loading bays to import in bulk and repack in smaller units for local distribution or export globally in containers.
Process By-product streams/Blend Chemicals
Manufacturing operations produces several byproduct streams that is valuable in a processing plant. Other chemicals produced are corrosion inhibitors, demulsifiers, biocides and so on.
Tank Leasing
Storage tanks in different packaging are available for short- and long-term lease for export and import with distribution of liquid chemicals. Domestic distributions are managed with road-tankers, ISOs, Flexitanks, IBCs and drumming.
Read detailed specs of the terminal here.
Terminal Features
Primary Facilities
- 20 API 650 tanks UN Class 3 products in two tank farms
- 2 API 650 tanks, for storage of non-flammable products
- 4 API 650 Day Tanks, for storage of NFPA Class 3 products
- 3 bays for Tanker Truck Loading (Top/ Bottom)
- Dedicated API Pumps for Ship back loading, Tanker Truck loading, Drum filling and Inter Tank Transfers
- 5 Semi-Automatic Drum Filling machines
- Processing & Blending Plant
Associated Facilities
- Buildings:
- Admin Block with Control Room & Laboratory
- Guard Office
- Switch Gear & Utility Building.
- Warehouse: Storage of approximately 6,300 Drums of NFPA Class I, II and III products
- ISO Tanks storage yard
- Fire detection & Protection System
- Nitrogen system-for Pipeline Pigging/ Purging and Product Tanks blanketing
- Compressed Air system
- PLC/ SCADA & ESD Systems
- Fire Alarm & CCTV Systems
- Perimeter Roads for Fire Tenders & Emergency Exits
- Contaminated Water Drainage system, Domestic Drainage and Water Supply Systems
- Area Lighting
- Public Address System (PAS)
Safety Features (Bulk Storage Tanks)
- NFPA Class 3 products, designed as per API 650
- 100% redundant Pressure/ Vacuum Relief Valves
- Overfill Protection and Tank Gauging System with Remote Operated Shut Off Valve (ROSOV) at inlet.
- Emergency Vents
- Foam Pourers to suppress any fire inside the tank.
- Fixed Fire Water Deluge System to cool the external tank surfaces.
- Nitrogen Blanketing to avoid explosive mixture formation inside tanks.
Safety Features (other associated systems)
- Product Pumps: API Pumps with product compatible elastomers. Electric Motor Drives in classified areas are explosion proof.
- Emergency Shut Down Devices (ESD): In the event of any Emergency in the terminal, ESD will stop all pumping.
- Earthing and Grounding
- Product and fire water tanks are grounded to the plant earthing system. Equipment, Piping and supports and structural steel buildings are also grounded.
- Bulk loading trucks at loading bays are provided with grounding facility (SCULY) to discharge any static electricity prior to loading operation (won’t start unless completely discharged).
- Cathodic Protection: Jetty pipelines protected with Impress Current CP System.
- Dead Man Switching Truck Loading Bay: Senses Operator alertness & loading pump if operator gets to sleepy mode.
Environmental Protection (for Ground leaks & Air Emission)
- Spill collection tanks along with RC Bund Walls: Containment capacity for 110% volume of the largest tank is connected to 150 & 50 m3 spill tanks.
- Contaminated product drainage system to underground sumps, through flame trap with controlled flow from Tank Farms, Tanker Truck Loading areas, Drum filling, Drum Storage areas & Pump Pits.
- Vapor Adsorption System for Drum Filling Machines.
- Groundwater Monitoring Wells at strategic locations for routine inspections, for any potential soil contamination.
Marketing Services Expertise
- Chemical and Process industry knowledge
- Customer product market and Brand development acumen
- Value-added services besides business development
- Customer-centric service approach
- Financial ability to accommodate end-user credit terms
- Import and exports expertise from most countries
Add-on Services
- Inventory Management with central ERP system: We manage everything from physical inventory, outbound and material tracking, physical returns and more in real-time through our efficient ERP system.
- Supply Chain Management: We handle everything from loading into Storage tanks/Road tanker/ISO tanks from customs terminals to transporting them to a repackaging and blending facility.
After this we help you with export clearance and documentation. Finally, we ensure that reliable and fast inland logistics delivers the goods and documentation on time to your customers.
Terminal Features
- Primary Facilities
- Associated Facilities
- Safety Features (Bulk Storage Tanks)
- Add-on Services
- 20 API 650 tanks NFPA Class 1 products in two tank farms
- 2 API 650 tanks, for storage of non-flammable products
- 4 API 650 Day Tanks, for storage of NFPA Class 1 products
- 3 bays for Tanker Truck Loading (Top/ Bottom)
- Dedicated API Pumps for Ship back loading, Tanker Truck loading, Drum filling and Inter Tank Transfers
- 5 Semi-Automatic Drum Filling machines
- Processing & Blending Plant
- Buildings:
- Admin Block with Control Room & Laboratory
- Guard Office
- Switch Gear & Utility Building.
- Warehouse: Storage of approximately 6,300 Drums of NFPA Class I, II and III products
- ISO Tanks storage yard
- Fire detection & Protection System
- Nitrogen system-for Pipeline Pigging/ Purging and Product Tanks blanketing
- Compressed Air system
- PLC/ SCADA & ESD Systems
- Fire Alarm & CCTV Systems
- Perimeter Roads for Fire Tenders & Emergency Exits
- Contaminated Water Drainage system, Domestic Drainage and Water Supply Systems
- Area Lighting
- Public Address System (PAS)
- NFPA Class I products, designed as per API 650
- 100% redundant Pressure/ Vacuum Relief Valves
- Overfill Protection and Tank Gauging System with Remote Operated Shut Off Valve (ROSOV) at inlet.
- Emergency Vents
- Foam Pourers to suppress any fire inside the tank.
- Fixed Fire Water Deluge System to cool the external tank surfaces.
- Nitrogen Blanketing to avoid explosive mixture formation inside tanks.
- Inventory Management with central ERP system: We manage everything from physical inventory, outbound and material tracking, physical returns and more in real-time through our efficient ERP system.
- Supply Chain Management: We handle everything from loading into Storage tanks/Road tanker/ISO tanks from customs terminals to transporting them to a repackaging and blending facility.
After this we help you with export clearance and documentation. Finally, we ensure that reliable and fast inland logistics delivers the goods and documentation on time to your customers.
- Safety Features
(other associated systems) - Environmental Protection
(for Ground leaks & Air Emission) - Marketing Services
- Product Pumps: API Pumps with product compatible elastomers. Electric Motor Drives in classified areas are explosion proof.
- Emergency Shut Down Devices (ESD): In the event of any Emergency in the terminal, ESD will stop all pumping.
- Earthing and Grounding
- Product and fire water tanks are grounded to the plant earthing system. Equipment, Piping and supports and structural steel buildings are also grounded.
- Bulk loading trucks at loading bays are provided with grounding facility (SCULY) to discharge any static electricity prior to loading operation (won’t start unless completely discharged).
- Cathodic Protection: Jetty pipelines protected with Impress Current CP System.
- Dead Man Switching Truck Loading Bay: Senses Operator alertness & loading pump if operator gets to sleepy mode.
- Spill collection tanks along with RC Bund Walls: Containment capacity for 110% volume of the largest tank is connected to 150 & 50 m3 spill tanks.
- Contaminated product drainage system to underground sumps, through flame trap with controlled flow from Tank Farms, Tanker Truck Loading areas, Drum filling, Drum Storage areas & Pump Pits.
- Vapor Adsorption System for Drum Filling Machines.
- Groundwater Monitoring Wells at strategic locations for routine inspections, for any potential soil contamination.
- Chemical and Process industry knowledge
- Customer product market and Brand development acumen
- Value-added services besides business development
- Customer-centric service approach
- Financial ability to accommodate end-user credit terms
- Import and exports expertise from most countries